Run roblox on linux. How to get roblox running on ubuntu. Click the applications menu item on the ubuntu desktop dock and click ubuntu software center select edit software sources click. Type ppaubuntu wineppa into the apt line field and click add source click applications then. Roblox player working under wine compholio 1728 on elementary os freya.
2014 the game is work at a pizza place by dued1. Roblox on linux refers to playing roblox games for the linux operating system involving a linux kernel based operating system. Roblox once worked under ubuntu fedora and many other gnulinux distributions and the bsd distributions including freebsd using wine a compatibility layer that allows other operating systems to run some windows programs. Unfortunately from this link it doesnt seem like roblox is interested in adding full linux support for the platform.
Id wager your best bet is to try to use an android emulator of some sort. Roblox uses something called vmprotect to prevent people from getting in game using virtual machines and it blocks wine from trying to run it so using. It is very much possible to run roblox on linux in fact 3dsboy08 the guy that made synapse did it. Idk why roblox just wont allow it.
I mean the wrappers are already there. They just have to change the anti cheat settings i think. Roblox is possible on linux just use virtualbox. Arctical if you legit cant install windows on your pc and have to use linux you should just setup windows 7 in virtualbox and install roblox on that.
All that im tryin to do is get roblox up and running on a lightweight linux distro so that i wouldnt complain bout ma toaster pc lag. A lot of distros out there use very little resources which is the why ive stuck with linux mint lubuntu and ubuntu mate. One of the more convoluted ways to get roblox on your chromebook is to first install the linux operating system and then run the game inside a virtual machine or via winehq which allows you to run some windows applications in linux. To get started you first need to install linux on your chromebook.